delay: { hide: 300 }, Transgrid's network comprises 104 bulk supply substations and more than 13,133 kilometres of high voltage transmission lines and cables. 13 0 obj
Try selling that to politicians or Joe Public. As always, check all details of any plan directly with the retailer before making a purchase decision. Strengthening the grid to deliver affordable, reliable and clean energy to customers. Meters measure how much gas or electricity is being used at your service address. We also note in Victoria, through the proposed Victorian Transmission Investment Framework (VTIF) currently under consultation, VicGrid is aiming to deliver social and economic benefits in ways that are fair, meaningful and participatory. title: "" Our database may not cover all deals in your area. <>
In February 2023, we will also be publishing a consultation report explaining the proposed preferred option from this additional analysis and inviting further feedback through written submissions prior to concluding the RIT-T. We are and will continue to engage with Traditional Owners and stakeholders to facilitate meaningful input, and clearly explain the rationale and benefits of the project. We recognise the vital role that Traditional Owners and stakeholders, including community and landowners, have in the planning and delivery of major transmission infrastructure projects. Residents on the Ausgrid energy network should generally be able to choose their own electricity provider. On 29 July 2022, Transgrid and AVP published the Project Assessment Draft Report (PADR), which examines the technical and economic factors leading to identification of a proposed preferred option for VNI West. Whether its value for money, new incentives, deals on gas or solar, Kelseigh is keen to help customers put money back in their pockets. We are committed to working with Traditional Owners, stakeholders, communities, and landholders to build our understanding of the local context and listen to interests and concerns as we develop and refine transmission line route options and Victorian terminal station locations. We operate and manage the high voltage electricity transmission network in NSW and the ACT. These are products from referral partners. A more technical question on the gamma allowance. These costs are based on the Ausgrid network in Sydney but prices may vary depending on your circumstances. In October 2022, the Victorian and Commonwealth Governments jointly announced support, through the Commonwealth Governments Rewiring the Nation plan, for this project to be built by 2028. The AER also argues that the ACT effectively states that the existing cost of debt for a regulated entity is by definition to be regarded as efficient whereas that need not automatically be correct. The matters that can and cannot be considered are set out in RIT-T application guidelines developed by the Australian Energy Regulator (AER). Accusations were also made of Ausgrid "gold plating" its business at the expense of consumers to increase the price in privatisation. Each meter records and displays the information differently. Can I choose a different energy distributor other than Ausgrid? Our engagement program to date and at this time, is to build confidence that the decision where best to connect VNI West into WRL has taken into account key technical, economic, social and environmental considerations to the extent possible at this RIT-T stage. There is a lot at stake as evidenced by the legal bill. Transgrid acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the Traditional Custodians of the lands on which we work and we pay our respect to their Elders past and present. It is important to note that Ausgrid does not generate electricity for you to use, nor is it involved in customer billing. If you are looking to connect a new property to the electricity grid for the first time, you will need to contact Ausgrid. As always, check all details of any plan directly with the retailer before making a purchase decision. 255 (H) x 170 (W) x 63 (D) OR 273 (H) x 170 (W) x 63 (D) with an optional external hook. The PSCR seeks feedback and advice on the identified need for new transmission infrastructure. Although VNI West will not be delivered under the VTIF, VicGrid has indicated that the principles detailed within the framework should be incorporated into the various phases of the project where possible. Transgrid acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the Traditional Custodians of the lands on which we work and we pay our respect to their Elders past and present. This means you can have different electricity rates for usage at different times of the day, depending on the tariff you sign up to with your electricity retailer. endobj
This page was written and is regularly updated by Canstar Blues energy content producer, Kelseigh Wrigley. In Victoria, the PADR proposed a connection to the Western Renewables Link (WRL) at a new terminal station north of Ballarat. Transgrids recent commitment to the Project Energy Connect enhanced 500 kV investment between Dinawan and Wagga, which has been supported by the Federal Government, the announced earlier closure date of Yallourn Power Station, EnergyAustralias announced Jeeralang Battery in Victoria, Inform stakeholders of the investment need and proposed optionsto address it, Test the market for alternative and more efficient solutions. This is why we are taking this step of consulting with potentially impacted communities so we can be confident we understand all the local factors before making any decision. To determine a route, a detailed route selection study that considers all technical, environmental, social and Cultural Heritage constraints and opportunities will be undertaken. Together, this will reduce carbon emissions and help to fill the electricity supply gap as coal fired power stations close. 12 0 obj
We have also received a response to the report from the community members of the AGL, Origin). Transgrid has entered into an underwriting agreement with the Commonwealth Government to develop the Victoria to New South Wales Interconnector West (VNI West), a major transmission infrastructure project proposed to secure the electricity supply and boost sharing between the two states. If you lose power, the first thing you should do is use your mobile to look at the Ausgrid website and check whether they are already aware of the issue. The change in voltages occurs at substations. Our core role is to connect electricity consumers to a safe, secure and reliable network through efficient maintenance, proficient operation of assets and prudent investment. Please see the review page for details of the review. We operate and manage the high voltage electricity transmission network in NSW and the ACT. Ausgrid undertook the rapid replacement of its fleet of vehicles. Promoting diversity and inclusion is a key component of our sponsorship program. <>
In April 2022, Transgrid entered into anunderwriting agreementwith the Commonwealth Government to develop VNI West. The whole appeal process was entirely opposite to the spirit of better regulation and contrary to recommendations of a review of the appeals process. That information is then sent to our systems, validated and then sent to your electricity retailer so they can calculate your bill. An Outcomes Report documenting the discussion is available below in the Resources section. Over the last 12 years SolarQuotes has steadily built a network of heavily vetted solar installers. There are routine meetings with councils and in the new year, we will be providing more details on further opportunities for stakeholders to share their insights and feedback on VNI West connection locations to WRL. Transgrid conducted a roundtable meeting with key stakeholders on 1 June 2022, providing an overview of the VNI West project and an update on its current status within the RIT-T process. The difference per year between what Ausgrid wanted going forward (green line) and what the . If you are in these areas and would like to know more, please email or call 1300 360 795. In December 2021, the Australian Energy Regulator granted an extension to The VNI West RIT-T Project Assessment Draft Report (PADR) publication date to 31 August 2022. In response, AVP and Transgrid are investigating alternative locations in the Waubra/Lexton or Bulgana areas for connection of VNI West, which would still run via a terminal station in the area of Kerang. One of the key issues identified through the submissions and engagement was the proposal to connect VNI West to the Western Renewables Link (WRL) at the proposed terminal station at Mount Prospect, and its compatibility with land use between Ballarat and Bendigo. Subscribe to receive all major news and updates. [2][3] In September 2016 the New South Wales Government instead accepted a bid from an Australian-based consortium of AustralianSuper and IFM Investors, for a sum of $16 billion.[4]. In the National Energy Market, our operations are governed by a number of institutions. Integrating sustainability principles across our operations helps to protect our communities. <>
If Ausgrid sold for 1.4X RAB then 50.4% would be worth around $10.7 bn. The PADR submission phase is designed to receive feedback from stakeholders, including community, on the proposed preferred option. This ensures electricity is safely and reliably transmitted to major urban areas. Automation systems enable us to exert control in any part of the network and to enable communication between substations or switching stations and our control centre. The primary options being considered include: 1. In order to assess all network and non-network options from a technical and economic perspective, we are using the Australian Energy Regulators Regulatory Investment Test for Transmission (RIT-T). If you would like to register interest for future notifications of consultation, or read more about the project, please reach out to AVP and Transgrid through the contact details below. While visual amenity impacts and bushfire risk are reduced, undergrounding raises its own suite of issues: for example, disturbance to flora and fauna, and archaeological sites, and increased impact on land use (the land above an underground power line may not be able to be used for some farming activity). A new 500kV transmission line will carry electricity to customers from new generation sources. If you have not organised your connection within this time, you will need to re-apply for a new contract in order to get connected. endobj
Careers . On Thursday, the Australian Government, announced that neither State Grid of China nor Cheung Kong Infrastructure would be allowed to bid for the 50.4 per cent of Ausgrid that the State Govt of NSW is selling unless they could address certain concerns. Strengthening the grid to deliver affordable, reliable and clean energy to customers. The residents, after many urgent appeals to Ausgrid's COO Trevor Armstrong and the chairman Roger Massey-Green, had been given no other option to notify local MP's, the media, the Environmental Protection Authority and other authorities to get action against Ausgrid. Ausgrid services more than 1.7 million homes and businesses on the NSW central-east coast. The insulators provide the required insulation to stop electricity leaking into the structure and then onto the ground. trigger: "onclick hover", According to the Ausgrid website, you should then receive a connection offer or contract within 10 business days of lodging your application. excludes TransGrid's part of transmission costs, whereas the 52.8% share attributed to 'regulated networks' in . He was formerly a Utility Analyst for leading investment banks over the past 30 years. 2 0 obj
Any faulty or fallen powerlines spotted on the central-east coast of NSW should also be raised with Ausgrid. [1] It was formed in 2011 from the previously state-owned energy retailer/distributor, EnergyAustralia, when the retail division of the company, along with the EnergyAustralia brand, was sold by the Government of New South Wales, and the remainder renamed Ausgrid. AVP and Transgrid appreciate the thoughtful submissions provided to date on VNI West and will continue open discussions with Traditional Owners, communities, and stakeholders on this important transmission project. For more info: We need to progress VNI West urgently so that it is operational by the time its most needed. Like the Transgrid process before it, the State would retain the legal ownership of Ausgrid's network assets. for rating of Ausgrid's underground cables and some detail on why this information is required, the information Ausgrid will supply as part of rating Ausgrid assets and a checklist to ensure all aspects of rating an underground are considered. Reports were that this was an absolutely massive legal case with barristers stacked 3 deep and some parties having to get counsel from Melbourne since every Sydney barrister who knew the subject was already engaged on the case. The Review of limited merits appealconcluded: The Panel therefore recommends that a new, wholly administrative, review body, provisionally labelled the Australian Energy Appeals Authority (AEAA), take over all, or the great bulk of, energy sector review work currently undertaken by the ACT, and in particular that the AEAA take over review of NSP revenue/price determinations. (See p5 of document). There are four stages of electricity supply in New South Wales generation, transmission, distribution and retail. Ausgrid owns most meters connected to our network. Some people occasionally get confused about the difference between distributors such as Ausgrid and . html: true, The AFR reported, via the usually impeccably reliable Street talk column that SGC was expected to bid over $13 bn for the stake. AVP and Transgrid have already commenced engagement with a number of Traditional Owner groups and other key regional stakeholders, including councils and community groups through the RIT-T process to build understanding of unique, local issues. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. And also note ourlive generation widget,and theAPVI solar contribution. Minister's variation - Signed by the Minister on 5 February 2019. The display of the interval meter is programmed to show the date and time (in Eastern Standard Time as required by the National Electricity Rules) as well as the total kilowatt hours (kWh). Customers in the Parramatta, Penrith, Lithgow, Richmond, Wollongong, Moss Vale or Nowra regions are connected on theEndeavour Energy network, while customers west of Bathurst and Goulburn, south of Batemans Bay and north of Dungog are connected to theEssential Energy network. Ausgrid has a selection of tariff options for energy customers in New South Wales, each of which outline different connection charges and metering for homes and businesses. The Minister for Energy and Environment has directed IPART to conduct a review of the network operators licences. Pollution Incident Response Management Plans, 134 (W) x 164 (Height with standard terminal cover) x 59 (D), 166 (W) x 210 (Height with standard terminal cover) x 74 (D), PRI-Sprint Whole Current PRW Electronic Meter. Route selection will be finalised after the regulatory test for this project is completed, and in close consultation with stakeholders and communities. Private landowners are compensated for hosting the easement in accordance with the NSW Governments Land Acquisition. [7], In 2020, OMERS acquired a 19.99% stake in Transgrid from Wren House Infrastructure Management, which is part of the state-owned Kuwait Investment Authority.[8]. Refer to the product fact sheet (or relevant similar documentation) before making any purchase decision. Ausgrid has a live feed ofpower outages available on its website, along with a map that indicates where these outages are. Licence granted to the Ausgrid Operator Partnership, Licence - to be read in conjunction with the below variations, Minister's variation - Signed by the Minister on 4 December 2017, Minister's variation - Signed by the Minister on 5 February 2019, Minister's variation - Signed by the Minister on 23 September 2022. Any decision to include undergrounding would require consideration of all technical, environmental, social and cultural constraints, together with stakeholder and community feedback. Targeted interconnector expansion between these regions would help to address transmission networklimitations,andimprove supply reliability as ageing coal-fired plants retire and access to competitively priced electricity from renewable generators and energy storage becomes critical. Our approach centres on transparency, accessibility, inclusiveness and communication. endobj
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Important environmental, social, and cultural matters will be assessed in detail and addressed through the subsequent state and federal government environmental and planning assessments and approvals processes to minimise impacts. As part of the RIT-T process, a preferred option must be identified that maximises the net market benefits for consumers while meeting the power system needs. 1 0 obj
Waubra/Lexton option: a new 500kV line connecting WRL at a new terminal station (TS) near Waubra/Lexton to Project Energy Connect (PEC); plus, a potential variation of an additional 500kV spur to Bulgana (i.e. Maps appearing in the VNI West PADR, and the 2022 ISP, are illustrative only. Accumulation meters only keep track of the total electricity usage. If you are happy with the returned contract and cost quote for you connection, you can then organise for an electrical professional to do the necessary work to get you hooked up to the grid. We are collaborating with local governments, Traditional Owners, Registered Aboriginal Parties, the Australian Energy Infrastructure Commission, and other key representative organisations to inform and guide our engagement activities and to build broader community awareness of the project. The RIT-T process is a regulatory process defined in the National Electricity Rules (NER) as limited to determining if a project will deliver positive net market benefits to the National Electricity Market (NEM) as a whole. SGC was likely to have paid a higher price than anyone else. Transgrid . We provide a summary of certain obligations of network operators below, to assist stakeholders. upgrade WRL from near Waubra to Bulgana). While this additional analysis is exploring options for VNI West, there is potential for any decision to directly impact landholders and their neighbours along the existing WRL proposed route. We are currently undertaking this work and its likely a decision will be made early in 2023, following further consultation. All networks operators with assets in NSW are subject to at least some provisions of the following instruments: Electricity Supply (General) Regulation 2014, Electricity Supply (Safety and Network Management) Regulation 2014. The assets are worth more to foreign buyers because: Overseas buyers have a lower cost of capital; Most utility infrastructure is structured as a combination trust/company (stapled security). Transgrid and AVP received 26 submissions during the PADR submission period (29 July 9 September 2022). This means you can have time of use pricing. We acknowledge community concerns that can be created by this uncertainty and therefore want to make a decision as quickly as possible while ensuring that there is still adequate time for communities and other stakeholders to provide input. Electricity to customers businesses on the Ausgrid energy network should generally be able to choose own! Choose a different energy distributor other than Ausgrid measure how much gas or electricity is safely reliably... Widget, and theAPVI solar contribution price than anyone else a higher price than else! Please see the review page for details of any plan directly with the NSW central-east coast of NSW also... 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