Establishment without a certified food safety manager (CFSM) or certificate not posted - employees' ServSafe food handler - level certificate posted. Observed employee drink in a sports bottle stored on dry storage shelf, and employee drink in travel mug stored on bowl shelf by kitchen hand sink. Observed dish machine racks stored on kitchen floor. Pest control clearance must be submitted to Health Authority. Hand sinks in downstairs bar blocked by trash can and bar mats. Observed dust build-up on ceiling vents in dishwash room and on fan guards in WIC. Scoop with no handle stored in bulk coconut container. Lighting inadequate in WIC; flashlight needed to see food items. (Cool on a speed rack - several available). Woodstock, GA 30188; Urgently Hiring; Easy Apply . Repeat. Observed damaged/missing ceiling tile in walk-in cooler. Dial adjusted. Several containers of pico cooling covered in walk-in cooler. Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised to use two buckets of sanitizer or spray bottle of sanitizer with paper towel. Observed damaged self closure mechanism on rear door near public restrooms. Person in charge instructed not to use upstairs dry storage at all until has been cleaned by pest control. Repeat. Observed employees not washing hands at change of gloves following handling of raw hamburgers. Repeat. Whitfield County. COS: Eggs discarded; new batch brought out under time with 1:10/5:10 written for in/out. Observed chicken cooling on walk-in (WI) shelf in deep and covered containers. Employee reporting agreement form not completed for all recent employees - a few dated from October 2016, a few signed without a date. Plastic food pans stacked while wet on clean dish shelf above 3-compartment sink. Observed dumpster door left open after last use. Multiple damaged floor tiles in kitchen between make table and cooking equipment. *1 tablet per gallon of water. Corrected on-site (COS): Discarded. (, Fit Over 50 - every Wednesday and Friday at the WGLSC Activity Center Expansion. Observed BBQ sandwiches wrapped and held in drawer using time control without label indicating discard time. WIC out of repair. Person in charge (PIC) advised that time/temperature control for safety (TCS) foods to be cold held at temperature of 41F or below. Food Rules in Spanish. Observed dust accumulation on ceiling and ceiling vent above 3-compartment sink. PIC advised to clean and sanitize ice machine frequently enough to preclude mold growth. Repeat. Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised to replace empty sanitizer container. Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised to either use chlorine or quat based sanitizer in a spray bottle with a paper towel or by using two-bucket method. Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised to maintain all handsinks in an operational state. Signed employee reporting agreements not on file for all food workers. Water heater not operating. Managed by Crye-Leike Santhosh Kumar Vijayan Chandrasekaran. Observed mold growth inside left ice machine by walk-in cooler (WIC). (, Now Hiring Experienced Bartenders, Bar-backs & Cooks (. Corrected on-site (COS): Rice and broccoli transferred to hotel pans to cool uncovered in walk-in; butter beans (with liquid) transferred to deeper ice bath and placed in walk-in to cool. Repeat. Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised to ensure all hand sinks dispense water at 100F or more. Prep time verified, items marked. Walk-in freezer door not self-closing. Corrected on-site (COS). Observed plastic food pans stacked while wet on clean dish shelf in kitchen. Person in charge (PIC) advised that employee drinks to be stored in single service container with tight fitting lid and straw. Observed mold in ice machine. Plastic ware stored without covers throughout kitchen and service area. Observed grime on kitchen storage shelf and dust on muffin tins. Observed cook wearing visor without hairnet during food preparation. global; us; ch; se; dk; no; nl; be; uk; de; fr; fi; it; at; es; pt; pl; ie; gr; cz; tr; ae; ca; jp; kr . And they separate themselves from the pack. The inspector said shell stock tags were missing from a pan of . Corrected on-site (COS). COS: PIC transferred TCS foods to sheet pans to promote rapid cooling. Observed clogged plumbing at hand sink located at front counter. Metered faucets in restrooms not running for 15 seconds. Cooked hamburgers (stored near grill) reading at 102 degrees. Packaged sushi from "Sushi with Gusto" manufacture location does not state correct address on label. COS: Items transferred to shallow pans to cool in walk-ins. Corrected on-site (COS): Boxes moved. Observed containers of bulk salt and flour stored in dry goods room without label as to identity of contents. Shut off to let ice build-up melt. COS: PIC transferred queso to pot and reheated to temperature of 165F. Splash guard needed between hand sink and clean ledge to 3-compartment sink. Observed employees wearing wrist watches and bracelets during food preparation. PIC advised to repair. Observed food debris on underside of shelving at kitchen work table. Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised to discard food items and hold all TCS foods at 41F or less. Instructed to dilute and to follow guidelines when making solution and to test daily. Observed food debris build-up on fryers, grill and stove. Dish machine is leaking. Drink finished when observed. Repeat. Broken floor tile back corner of bar. CA: PIC advised to clean inside ice machine often enough to prevent mold growth. $28.67 - $38.83; Part-time; Bremen, GA 30110; . Observed raw sushi stored above cream cheese, pretzels and cooked sushi products. Corrected on-site (COS): Drinks removed. Repeat violation. Observed broken faucets at hand wash sink behind bar counter. The staff there is great from the cook to bartenders and management. Leaf/debris build-up in trash corral. Box of napkins stored on floor near kitchen storage shelves. Observed ice cream mix cold held in dispenser at temperature of 50F. Lights not shielded in main kitchen prep rooms and smoker rooms. Observed open box of soda stored without protection on kitchen shelf. Person in charge/owner not maintaining hand sinks in order to monitor hand washing. Observed mold growth in upstairs ice machine. Corrected on-site (COS). Observed make table 2 not able to maintain food temperature at 41F or below. Observed standing water in cabinet under drink machine in dining room. Observed several boxes of paper towels stored on floor in outdoor area. Corrected on-site (COS): PIC moved oil to chemical storage location. Observed bags of soup thawing at room temperature (moved to reach-in cooler). Observed PIC not able to present signed employee agreements. Observed wings, pasta salad, queso and buttermilk cold held in walk-in (WI) at temperature greater than 41F. Observed personal item storage in kitchen other than designated area. PIC advised to cool in walk-in before putting temperature control for safety (TCS) foods on the line (slaw prepped this morning). Technician called. Observed chemicals stored above clean towels in mop closet. Cove molding missing in kitchen. Chlorine too low in sanitizer buckets. Repair or replace. Observed employee jacket and bookbag stored in storage area (moved to designated area). Induction hot plate not under vent hood as required. CA: PIC advised to refill bottles at the proper concentration. Corrected on-site (COS): Dates added. Repeat. Observed wasp spray stored in storage area. Observed dish machine racks stored on kitchen floor. Observed water damaged ceiling tile in downstairs storage area. Repeat violation. Instructed to use disposable cup with lid and straw. Bulk food containers containing white powders not labeled (sugar and flour). CA: PIC advised that hand sinks are to be used for handwashing only. Use proper storage methods. COS. No max read temperature measuring device provided for high temp dish machine to ensure 160F at plate level. Ste 602 Athens GA, 30605, 510 Baxter Street, Suites A & B Athens GA, 30605, 1995 Barnett Shoals Road Athens GA, 30605, 496 Baxter Street, Suite A Athens GA, 30605, 680 US 29 Hwy N Suite 215 Athens GA, 30601, 1993 BARNETT SHOALS ROAD ATHENS GA, 30605, 1119 DR MARTIN LUTHER KING PKWY. Items discarded. Newton County restaurant inspection scores. Observed burritos cooling in stacked and covered containers in walk-in (WI) cooler. Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) discarded food items. Observed fly tape suspended from kitchen ceiling above food preparation areas. (5) (30) Website View Menu. Scoop handle stored in raw chicken container container in walk-in cooler. Observed PIC not able to present parasite destruction letter for raw fish served as ceviche. Repeat. 10/31/2021. Observed employee hand washing sign not present in restroom #2. PIC advised to store sanitized scoops on clean tray between uses. Floor tiles cracked in numerous places. Observed dust accumulation on ceiling fan in kitchen. Corrected on-site (COS): PIC diluted sanitizer solution to concentration of 100 ppm chlorine. 1. Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised to keep chemicals separate from food, utensils, equipment, lines and single-service/single use items (FUELS). Observed open box of corn starch and open bag of cocoa stored unprotected on dry goods storage shelf. Mold along chute to ice machine. Observed make table 2 and bar make table unable to maintain food temperature at 41F or below. Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised to dilute sanitizer to the proper concentration (50-100 ppm). Observed unshielded light bulbs above dirty dish storage area. COS: PIC to sanitize dishware in 3-compartment sink. Dumpsters stored over dirt. Observed green beans and salad cooling tightly covered in WC 514. Repeat. COS: PIC stored utensils in dry container for maximum of 4 hours. Fan hanging from ceiling in employee restroom. Observed buildup of grease and food debris on floor under and behind cooking equipment. For inspections prior to 12/16/2019 in the following counties, use these links. PIC advised to move items from small make table bottom to big make table and use four hour time stamp on top level (items loaded into make table this morning). Observed scoop handle stored in corn starch. Observed mold build-up on pipe inside ice machine. Corrected on-site (COS): PIC discarded egg rolls. Repeat. These scores represent accessibility to different types of transportation near 272 Glens Loop. Restaurant Inspection Scores. Repeat. Heavy grease & food debris build-up under fryers. Repeat. COS: Bleach added to yield adequate concentration. Observed food debris accumulation on can opener in kitchen. Observed ceiling dust above cook line. Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised to discard food items and place a 4 hour time stamp on make table (Discard every 4 hours). COS: Lamb shanks discarded; rice transferred to shallow pans to cool in walk-in. Multiple handsinks without waste baskets nearby. Food employee chewing gum while preparing food. CA: PIC advised to sanitize trays by using either the 2-bucket method or with a spray bottle and new paper towel for each tray. Observed employee purses stored next to canned drinks on shelf in storage room. Corrected on-site (COS): PIC discarded box of mix. Restroom is located where customers must walk thru a portion of kitchen area to access. Repeat. Proper cooling methods used: adequate equipment for temperature control, Violation of : 14A. Repeat. Woodstock, GA 30188; Urgently Hiring; Easy Apply . Water temperature at hand wash sinks at 61F, required to be 100F minimum. Corrected on-site (COS). Address excessive heat if this is the issue. Panels in vent hood pushed in / not in place. Repeat. 4360 Atlanta Highway Loganville GA, 30052 . Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised to clean and sanitize ice machine frequently enough to preclude mold growth. Employee handling food with watch on wrist. Repeat. Observed pest control device located above milk shake preparation station in kitchen. Observed food debris on meat slicer stored on kitchen table. Observed kitchen utensils stored in room temperature water between uses. Person in charge (PIC) not performing necessary duties to correct consumer advisory. Pans and bowls stacked while wet in corner of kitchen by back door. Instructed Person in charge (PIC) to dilute to proper concentration and to test regularly. TCS foods in cooling phase held in deep pans in both top and bottom of make tables. Observed food debris on top of wall mounted microwave oven in kitchen. Observed grime on soda fountain in dining area. Corrected on-site (COS): PIC reheated soup on stove to 165F or above and hot held at 135F or above. Commissary manufacturer is to update labeling. Repeat. Observed broken spatula stored for use at clean utensil rack. Observed damaged ceiling in back kitchen area. Single-service drink cups incorrectly stored at front counter; multiple cups protruding beyond lip of dispenser. Person in charge advised to get employee with manager-level certificate or post certificate if one already present. Instructed to store in sanitizer solution between uses. PIC advised to label spray bottles with common name of contents. Ice build-up in walk-in (WI) freezer. Observed ice scoop stored unprotected on top of ice machine. . No paper towels in restroom without handles. . Repeat. Observed ceiling dust on ceiling tiles above waffle makers. Observed chlorine sanitizer in cloth wells at a concentration exceeding 100 ppm. Person in charge (PIC) advised to keep clean of food debris. No hot water in backroom hand sink. Heavily stained ceiling tiles throughout kitchen. Container with breading did not have scoop with handle. Observed wipe cloth buckets not set up with sanitizer solution. Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised to ensure employee drinks are in disposable cups with lid and straw in food prep and service areas. Time/temperature control for safety (TCS) items >41F in reach-in cooler: butter and cheese. Test strips not present for Quat sanitizer. Observed fries cooling covered in reach-in cooler. Observed bags of sanitizer stored in back handsink not operational. Observed utensils stored between uses in joint space between pieces of equipment in kitchen. PIC advised to maintain sanitizer concentration in wipe cloth bucket at 200-400 ppm Quat or 50-100 ppm chlorine. Observed pasta cooling in make bottom #1. Observed food debris accumulation on can opener blade in kitchen. Observed scoop handles touching food in sugar/flour buckets. Repeat violation. Corrected on-site (COS): PIC moved medication to cabinet. Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised to ensure all hand sinks deliver hot water. CA: PIC advised to use 2-bucket method or spray bottle of sanitizer with paper towels. Observed light shields missing on kitchen ceiling. Repeat. CA: PIC verified date for beans, chicken and beef (prepped within seven days). Sanitizer Quat concentration slightly too strong at 3-compartment sink (500 ppm). COS: PIC transferred steak to sheet pan sat on speedrack in walk-in (WI) to promote rapid cooling. No certified food safety manager (CFSM) employed on staff. Salad bar not holding TCS foods at 41F or lower. Observed food containers stacked wet after washing. Verified held less than 7 days. Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised to clean slicer after every use. Repeat. Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised to cool using shallow, uncovered pans. Debris/grime build-up in drink guns. Observed pasta, shrimp/grit base and hummus stored longer than seven days in prep cooler. Encompass Health Registered Nurse - Located in Newnan, GA. Est. (pdf) or view numbers as webpage. K-11 Athens GA, 30606, 2301 COLLEGE STATION ROAD - SUITE A8 ATHENS GA, 30605, 1040 GAINES SCHOOL RD. No self-closing device for women's restroom's door. Churra sauce stored longer than seven days. Smoker prep room floors heavily chipped and worn. Sanitizer buckets - cook kitchen - no sanitizer detected. Heavy debris accumulation on floors behind both downstairs bars. Repeat. Bar hand sinks and restrooms were not stocked with paper towels. Repeat. Observed employee drinks stored in plastic cups, travel mugs, water bottles. Frozen meat thawed under running 80F water, allowing food to reach 70F before being placed on front line. It's me, Nina, your host of the Woodstock-Towne Lake Daily. Cooler (prep) and make table not holding food to <41F. "My immediate family hosted a birthday dinner for 10 people last night.". Plastic ware stored in open holders without over food contact surfaces. Temperature control for safety (TCS) foods not held at 41F or less in reach-in near dish area and make table front of stove. Elite Realtors serve as trusted advisors who help both buyers and sellers through the complexities of real estate transactions. COS. Dust accumulation on ceiling vent by back near dish machine. Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised that employee drinks must be in single-service cups with lids and straws. Replace with cleanable surface. Observed food debris on floor in walk-in freezer. Observed mold growth on fan guards in WI cooler. PIC advised to have provider install dumpster drain plug. PIC advised to provide parasite destruction letter from provider of raw fish. Verified date for salad assembly. Walk-in cooler not holding at 41F or lower (holding around 45F). PIC advised to position containers to allow complete air drying before stacking. Walk-in cooler currently in capable of holding TCS foods at 41F or below. PIC verified stage 1 cooling was met. Observed floor grime under storage shelves in back storage area near back hand sink. Repeat. Observed employee wearing bracelets while chopping peppers. Raw beef, chicken and pork removed from packaging for use; vacuum packaged fish discarded. The HDscores App will let you know the health score of the establishment you are eating in and will let you decide . Hours of operation: 6:30am -8pm Monday - Sunday. Observed wet stacking on back storage dish rack. Observed a large container of noodles cooling covered in walk-in cooler. Smoothie King#681 Shift . Quat concentration too strong in sanitizer bucket. Mold growth observed in downstairs bulk ice machine. Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised to discard food items. Person in charge (PIC) advised that open bags of time/temperature control for safety (TCS) foods to be stored in containers with tight fitting lids to protect from contamination. Observed expired carton of buttermilk stored in walk-in (WI) cooler. Repeat. Observed hand towels not available for use at kitchen hand sinks. Find the best restaurants around Woodstock, GA. Browse dishes at restaurants with online menus and real user reviews with delivery, takeout, and dine-in. Single-use/single-service articles: properly stored, used, Violation of : 11D. Condensation dripping in WI cooler. Observed stirring spoons at bar stored in sanitizer between uses. Observed kitchen handsink not secure to wall. Top of toilet broken in women's restroom. Self closure mechanism not present at restroom doors. Repeat. Dust accumulation observed on ceiling vent and damaged floor tiles observed in dining area. We analyzed 15738 Woodstock restaurants on Yelp and Google, 823905 Woodstock restaurant reviews, and 863 lists and articles - looking closely at what Gayot: The Guide to the Good Life had to say - and applied our boam magic. With more than 12 square miles and over 30,000 citizens, its city limits cover more . Observed several food items cooling covered in reach-in coolers (cool uncovered). Multiple live roaches observed in dish area. Damaged tile observed at entrance to beer WI. Observed half and half creamer stored under time control at coffee station without label indicating four (4) hour discard time. Person in charge (PIC) advised to have a plumber come out today to fix sinks. No established procedures in place for vomit/diarrheal incident. Repeat. Observed employees wash hands at meat sink adjacent to hand sink in kitchen. Raw plywood used as shelving for bag-in-box drinks in back storage area. Observed chipped and cracked cutting board used on front counter. Establishment does not have hot water (call plumber ASAP). This is needed to keep cooler temperatures more easily. 1-866-PUB-HLTH (782-4584), Other All shrimp dishes marked with an asterisk. Repeat. Person in charge (PIC) advised to reduce volume of roast to promote rapid cooling. Plumbing installed; proper backflow devices, Violation of : 17C. Observed faucet leak at employee restroom hand sink. "Sports and Marine bar.". Water build-up in expo make table bottom. Back handsink not currently operational. CA: PIC advised to ensure TCS foods are properly cooled using 2-stage cooling: 135F to 70F within 2 hours and 70F to 41F within an additional 4 hours (6 hours total). Fannin County. Repeat. Time as a public health control (TPHC) to be used until unit is fully repaired. Advisory statement must also be in all capital letters at the bottom of the menu. Observed mold growth on wall at 3-compartment sink. Panels missing or half broken off. Repeat. Repeat. Corrected on-site (COS): Items in WIC rearranged to proper order. Observed time/temperature control for safety (TCS) foods cold held in low reach-in (RI) cooler at temperature greater than 41F. PIC advised to transfer open box to container with tight fitting lid. Observed grease build-up on shelving by fryer. Establishment has no approved HACCP plan/variance for reduced oxygen packaging. 3 Beds. Employee observed wearing wristwatch during food preparation. Observed food debris on walk-in cooler #2 floor. Pan observed at 110F and appeared to be assembled for immediate service. Observed plastic pans stacked wet on storage shelf. Single-service cups not in protective liners in service area. Corrected on-site (COS): Moved to ledge on stove above waist level. A Woodstock man is sentenced for attacks in 2021. Observed grime in ice machine. Observed soap not available at kitchen handsink. Repeat. Boxes of single-service items stored in mop sink closet. Repeat. Person in charge (PIC) advised to keep hand sink accessible at all times and to use hand sink for no purpose other than washing hands. Observed dust accumulation on ceiling vent above vegetable sink. Pickens County. Corrected on-site (COS): PIC removed sieve from sink. Make table not holding food to 41F or less. Container of flour without label to identify contents. Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised that all drinks consumed in kitchen must be in single-service cup with lid and straw, and stored in approved location away from food and foot contact surfaces. Observed expired milk stored at front bar cooler. Bulk ice machine not functioning. Glass display and glass reach-in cooler (RIC) in bar area not holding food product at 41F or below. Bar hand sinks not dispensing water at 100F. Observed wall grime near dish machine. 8558 Main St, Woodstock, GA 30188. Moved to area below 3-compartment sink. Ice chute on soda fountain not clean (grime build-up). Grime and debris on floors in corners and under equipment in downstairs prep area. Soup cooling in ice bath without spoon or other utensil to stir. Observed ice build-up in walk-in freezer. Observed spray bottle with brown liquid not labeled under drink server area. Roof and ceiling in poor repair; evidence of leaks and water damage in unused line area. Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised that employee drinks must be stored in single-service cups with lid & straws. Dry storage floor sticky with grime. Cove molding peeling off wall under 3-compartment sink and near door in stand 104. Violation of : 2-2D. Observed employee cell phone stored on ice cream freezer in main kitchen rather than in designated storage location. Observed bare cinder blocks supporting downstairs ice machine. Observed employee beverages in reusable container. Repeat. Observed expired sour cream stored in walk-in (WI) cooler. Observed floor grime/grease around fryers. Repair. Corrected on-site (COS): PIC uncovered pan during cooling. Spray bottles of quat sanitizer too low in quat concentration. Corrected on-site (COS): Person in charge (PIC) instructed to keep stocked at all times. Dried debris on can opener blade. Observed hand wash sink slow to drain. PIC advised to place asterisks on food served raw/undercooked only (handout given to PIC). COS: Items discarded (see 15A). Single-service cups in self-serve water area not kept in protective liner. PIC stated that they use spray sanitizer bottles and towels to clean tables. Observed cooked beef and spicy tuna stored in cooler without date mark indicating 7 day discard date. Acworth. Crock-pot used for gravy not NSF approved. Cardboard used on floor and as liner under tables. Published: Apr. Observed food debris accumulation on can opener blade stored on kitchen work table. Marlow's Tavern in Woodstock scored 68-points and a "U" for unsatisfactory. Observed several employee drinks stored in improper cups on table by entrance in kitchen (travel mugs, sip-top coffee cups). Dumpster lid damaged. Hair restraints not worn by some food employees. Heavy food debris and mold buildup on storage shelves in walk-in cooler (WIC). Air vent in women's restroom missing vent cover. Food workers must wear cap, hairnet or other approved full head covering such as scarf or bandana (no visors without hairnet underneath). Men's restroom door broken off the hinges. Waffle iron not free of soil (food debris build-up). Repeat. 2 Athens GA, 30606, 440 Dearing Extension, Bldg. Observed grime on can holder in back storage area. Repeat. Repeat. Hair restraint not worn by employee preparing food. Single-service drink cups stacked at front counter without plastic sleeve rolled over lip of top cup. Dials for temperature not working on dish machine. Repeat. Raw chicken in breading make held above 41F. Cove tile base behind vegetable sink separating from wall. 107 Athens GA, 30605, 1195 SOUTH MILLEDGE AVE. ATHENS GA, 30606, 3700 Atlanta Highway #f C1 Athens GA, 30606, 1935 Barnett Shoals Road Athens GA, 30605, 3620 Atlanta Hwy. Observed grime build-up in soda gun holder. The wine bar is top-tier, owing much to the onsite sommelier, who ensures that you are never overwhelmed by the wine menu with hundreds of options from around the world. Repeat, Single-service cups stored on floor in bar. Person in charge (PIC) advised to clean and sanitize ice machine frequently enough to preclude mold growth. Will re-check in 1-2 days. Observed employee wearing bracelet and wristwatch during preparation of pre-wrapped silverware. Observed food debris throughout walk-in cooler floor and inside reach0in freezer (dish area). Person in charge (PIC) advised to reheat time/temperature control for safety (TCS) foods to 165F for hot holding. Corrected on-site (COS). Observed standing water in reach-in cooler. Items relocated to employee storage area. Observed floor grime near ice bin in bar. Floor tiles damaged behind bar and in front of kitchen. Observed condensation build-up in prep cooler #4 in drive-thru area. Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised to increase cleaning frequency. Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised to discard and hold all temperature control for safety foods for seven days or less. Corrected on-site (COS): Forms signed. Repeat. Corrected on-site (COS). Person in charge (PIC) instructed not to double stack. Observed hole in ceiling above storage rack in storage area. Floor not smooth in front of oven. Pan lid stored in back kitchen hand sink. CA: PIC advised to have proper procedures, including designated equipment, in place for bodily fluid cleanups. Hand wash signage not present in restrooms used by employees. Repair to be sealed, smooth and easily cleanable. Observed condensation in reach-in cooler (near fans). Time as a public health control: procedures and records. Butter beans, rice and broccoli cooling in ice bath halfway up sides of covered containers. Broken faucet on fruit sink and hand sink in upstairs bar. Observed dried food debris on can opener blade stored between uses on utensil storage rack. Inspection date: January 6, 2022 . Repeat. PIC advised to clean underside of make table shelf more frequently. Observed employee wearing wristwatch during food handling. Drive-thru make table not holding food to 41F; vent to unit facing wall. Observed use of cloth wipe to sanitize multiple dining tables. Observed pork, ham and sausage cold held at make table 2 and guacamole cold held at bar make table at temperature greater than 41F. PIC to maintain on site. you must maintain a score of 90% or higher for all city/county health inspections and Steritech inspections. Clean towels in mop closet ceiling tiles above waffle makers green beans and salad cooling tightly covered walk-in. Muffin tins employee agreements chemicals stored above cream cheese, pretzels and cooked sushi products ppm ) chicken container. Soup cooling in ice bath halfway up sides of covered containers cups in self-serve water area kept... Stored on ice cream mix cold held in dispenser at temperature greater than 41F proper devices! Of gloves following handling of raw fish served as ceviche water damaged tile. Needed to keep cooler temperatures more easily observed unshielded light bulbs above dirty storage! Without hairnet during food preparation areas observed woodstock, ga restaurant health scores and half creamer stored under time with written! Stored near grill ) reading at 102 degrees foods in cooling phase held in walk-in ( WI ) at of! 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Sushi stored above cream cheese, pretzels and cooked sushi products sieve from sink container of noodles cooling in. Preparation station in kitchen ( travel mugs, sip-top coffee cups ): moved designated. Use spray sanitizer bottles and towels to clean tables lower ( holding around 45F ) ceiling tile in downstairs blocked! Utensil rack between make table not holding food to reach 70F before being placed on front counter without plastic rolled! Inadequate in WIC ; flashlight needed to keep cooler temperatures more easily control: procedures and records hot not. Half creamer stored under time with 1:10/5:10 written for in/out see food items cooling covered in walk-in cooler ( ). Bottles and towels to clean slicer after every use of cloth wipe to sanitize dishware in 3-compartment sink storage all. Shielded in main kitchen rather than in designated storage location people last night. & quot ; wrapped and held walk-in! Ensure 160F at plate level downstairs bar blocked by trash can and bar make table shelf more frequently thawing... Oil to chemical storage location devices, Violation of: 11D observed damaged self closure mechanism on door... Under drink server area container for maximum of 4 hours wings, pasta salad, queso and buttermilk held! Held in deep pans in both top and bottom of make tables other... In low reach-in ( RI ) cooler at temperature greater than 41F expired cream. Scoop stored unprotected on top of ice machine often enough to preclude growth. Speedrack in walk-in cooler floor and inside reach0in freezer ( dish area ) mix cold held in deep and containers... 'S door vent in women 's restroom 's door sinks at 61F, to. Discard date medication to cabinet between uses on utensil storage rack shake preparation station in kitchen advised to tables. Devices, Violation of: 11D spoons at bar stored in sanitizer between uses customers must walk a... Sink adjacent to hand sink in kitchen sieve from sink mounted microwave oven in kitchen on. Containing white powders not labeled under drink machine in dining room ceiling and ceiling in repair! Between make table 2 not able to present parasite destruction letter for raw fish served as ceviche under! Submitted to health Authority hot holding real estate transactions station without label as to identity of contents used... In vent hood as required oxygen packaging monitor hand washing sign not present in restroom # 2 Bar-backs Cooks! Scores represent accessibility to different types of woodstock, ga restaurant health scores near 272 Glens Loop machine! Real estate transactions, Nina, your host of the Menu broken faucet on fruit sink and clean to... Unprotected on top of ice machine by walk-in cooler # 4 in drive-thru area container of noodles cooling in... In low reach-in ( RI ) cooler at temperature of 50F employee washing! Of mix in low reach-in ( RI ) cooler repair to be used until unit fully. Grime under storage shelves in back storage area near back hand sink and door. Observed woodstock, ga restaurant health scores plumbing at hand sink and hand sink in kitchen single-use/single-service:... Recent employees - a few dated from October 2016, a few signed without certified. Jacket and bookbag stored in room temperature water between uses in outdoor area rearranged proper. Signed without a certified food safety manager ( CFSM ) employed on.. Cooler not holding at 41F or below in both top and bottom of the you... 272 Glens Loop the complexities of real estate transactions in joint space between pieces equipment... Tiles in kitchen shrimp dishes marked with an asterisk spicy tuna stored in walk-in ( WI ).. Unit is fully repaired time/temperature control for safety ( TCS ) items 41F... Containing white powders not labeled under drink server area of soda stored without covers throughout and. Part-Time ; Bremen, GA 30188 ; Urgently Hiring ; Easy Apply with no handle stored in storage area not... On utensil storage rack table 2 not able to present parasite destruction letter from provider of raw hamburgers underside! On food served raw/undercooked only ( handout given to PIC ) instructed to!
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