Law and Motion Departments 53 and 54 hear all other civil motions, petitions for change of name, and applications for appointment of guardian ad litem. The court agrees the seventh, eight, and tenth causes of action plead by Plaintiff are in fact damages and not causes of action. 8 VS. ) Hearing Time: 9:00 AM ) Whether a party or their representative will be appearing in person or by Zoom must be part of the notification given to the Court and other parties as stated below. ) 3 UNIFIED FAMILY COURT The Hon. ***, Collections Covid-19 Information and FAQs, Family Law Covid-19 Information and Update, Jury Services Covid-19 Information and FAQs, Traffic Division COVID-19 Information & Update, Previous Orders, Notices & Press Releases By Year, Tentative rulings in San Francisco County Superior Court for the state of California are posted on the court's website prior to each law and motion hearing for civil cases. ) Default was entered against Defendant on August 19, 2021. 13 TENTATIV 2 COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO 5 10 Respondent ) Presiding: JUDITH HARDING 10 Respondent ) Presiding: MARIA EVANGELISTA Guide to the San Francisco Superior Court. These may include: Whether there was any previous continuance, extension of time, or delay of trial due to any party; The availability . 8 VS. ) Hearing Time: 9:00 AM Responding Defendant and/or her attorney are to pay $1,500 to Defendant within 30 days of this order. Department rules are available here. 3 UNIFIED FAMILY COURT ) 7 Petitioner ) Hearing Date: January 10, 2023 6 DARCELL HENDERSON, ) Case Number: FDI-19-792571 Clickherefor more information about tentative rulings. 10 Respondent ) Presiding: MARJORIE SLABACH Plaintiff demonstrates recognition from the start that Defendant would be entitled to some medical information regarding Joe, Plaintiff met and conferred and had already agreed to provide some information, including a physicians note from the events in question and which Plaintiff had offered to support her accommodation request. Com. 12 REQUEST FOR ORDER FOR CHANGE OF VIS 2 COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO ) 3 UNIFIED FAMILY COURT There being no responses complaint with the Courts order, the request to set aside the order is not in proper form. ) 7 Petitioner ) Hearing Date: January 17, 2023 It has no discretion. Iott v. Franklin(1988) 206 Cal.App.3d 521, 528. See Cal Rule of Court, Rule 3.1300 (d). 7 Petitioner ) Hearing Date: January 12, 2023 ) 12 REQUEST FOR ORDER FOR CHANGE OF CHA 2 COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO 10 Respondent ) Presiding: MARIA EVANGELISTA ) 10 Respondent ) Presiding: MARIA EVANGELISTA ) Defendant moves the court to compel Kaiser and Winer to produce Joes subpoenaed medical records. Oscar Pardo has recused self from this case. ) 8 VS. ) Hearing Time: 9:00 AM . Beginning June 15, 2021, all courthouses are open to the public and most in-person services are restored. Blumenthal v. Superior Court(1980) 103 Cal.App.3d 317, 319. 3 UNIFIED FAMILY COURT ) Alexander v. Superior Court(2003) 114 Cal.App.4th 723, 727. 908.) If a party fails to appear at a law and motion hearing without having given notice, the court may take the matter off calendar, to be reset only upon motion, or may rule on the matter. The court must not require any other form of citation. 10 Respondent ) Presiding: JUDITH HARDING 3 UNIFIED FAMILY COURT ) 8 VS. ) Hearing Time: 9:00 AM ) ) ) ) Additionally, the Court is not convinced that SFPKOAs initial discovery abuses were not simply the result of the tactics of counsel; particularly in light of the Courts September 3, 2021 minutes. 7 Petitioner ) Hearing Date: January 3, 2023 They must do more than show the possibility it may lead to relevant information. 7 Petitioner ) Hearing Date: January 17, 2023 12 REQUEST FOR ORDER FOR CHANGE OF CHILD CU 2 COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO 9 PATRICIA OJEDA GOMEZ, ) Department: 404 12 REQUEST FOR ORDER RE: ATTORNEY FEES 2 COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO 12 ) In every case, to present a motion to the court, a party must: A party must give notice of the hearing as required by law. The court notes each of the above is also addressed in the prayer for damages in the complaint. After all, while Joes condition may be at issue, the claims do not hinge on the details of that condition but on the reasonableness and correctness of Defendants conduct. ) Law (9th ed. (CCP 430.41(a)(3).) 8 VS. ) Hearing Time: 9:00 AM ) California Code of Civil Procedure Sections 1167.5, 1170.7, 1170.8, and other statutes set shorter notice periods for some motions in unlawful detainer cases. 9 BOHDANNA M KESALA, ) Department: 403 Civ. A primary basis for Plaintiffs claims is that she was entitled to disability accommodations because her husband, Joe, was immune-compromised and of a group particularly vulnerable to Covid-19. 3 COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO ) 5 11 ) ) 10 Respondent ) Presiding: DANIEL FLORES 12 REQUEST FOR ORDER RE: REIMBURSEMENT OF CHILD EXPENS 2 COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO 9 VADIM V NISENBAUM, ) Department: 404 5 5th 531, 557 & fn. Defaults: (415) 551-5921 or (415) 551-5969. As such, it is not adequately noticed, and is not considered. 8 VS. ) Hearing Time: 9:00 AM 3 UNIFIED FAMILY COURT ) Plaintiff Cliff R. Russell (Plaintiff) filed the presently operative first amended complaint (FAC) against defendant Robert J. Russell, trustee of the Robert John Russell Trust (Defendant). CCP 1292.6 (any subsequent actions as to the same controversy shall be filed in the same proceeding). ) Defendant has not been named as a defendant in the FAC in this capacity, and to the degree that the default names him as an individual, it is void. 7 Petitioner ) Hearing Date: December 22, 2022 ) 10 Respondent ) Presiding: MARIA EVANGELISTA 3 UNIFIED FAMILY COURT 10 Respondent ) Presiding: MARIA EVANGELISTA 10 Respondent ) Presiding: MARIA EVANGELISTA (1952) 110 Cal.App.2d 83, 90 (contract negotiated by telephone entered into where acceptor spoke). 7 COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO, ) Case Number: FCS-16-351370 7 Petitioner ) Hearing Date: January 5, 2023 10 Respondent ) Presiding: DANIEL FLORES 5 San Francisco, CA 94102 6 COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO, ) Case Number: FCS-22-355509 Defendants motion to set aside default under CCP 473(d) is GRANTED to the degree it names Defendant as an individual. 7 Petitioner ) Hearing Date: December 22, 2022 12 REQUEST FOR ORDER OF CHILD CUSTODY; REQUEST FOR O 2 COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO 8 VS. ) Hearing Time: 9:00 AM ) ) ) 5 11 ) ) Reserve Traffic Court Date; Law & Motion Calendars; Informal Discovery Calendars; Tentative Rulings; . Room 402 ) 9 JACQUEZ BURNS, ) Department: 403 ) ) Ct. (1969) 273 Cal.App.2d 7, 8-9. 12 OTHER REVIEW HEARING; REQUEST FOR ORDER 2 COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO 10 Respondent ) Presiding: MARIA EVANGELISTA ) A party filing a motion, except for a motion listed in rule 3.1114, must serve and file a supporting memorandum. Guide Civ. 6 XINYI VENTALI TAN, ) Case Number: FDV-22-816325 Pursuant to California Rules of Court 10.613 (g) (2), the San Francisco Superior Court is seeking public comments to the proposed changes to the Local Rules of Court, effective January 1, 2023. A contract is entered into where acceptance occurred. 13 TENTATIVE RULING 8 VS. ) Hearing Time: 9:00 AM ) The court must rule on the motion as if the party had appeared. ) Otherwise, the county where the agreement is to be performed, or was made is the proper venue. 10 Respondent ) Presiding: MARIA EVANGELISTA 6 District 1 Sandra Lee FewerDistrict 2 Catherine StefaniDistrict 3 Aaron PeskinDistrict 4 Gordon MarDistrict 5 Dean PrestonDistrict 6 Matt HaneyDistrict 7 Norman YeeDistrict 8 Rafael MandelmanDistrict 9 Hillary RonenDistrict 10 Shamann WaltonDistrict 11 Ahsha Safai, Office of the City Administrator City Hall, Room 362 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place San Francisco, CA 94102. ) ) 12 REQUEST FOR ORDER FOR CHANGE OF VISITATIO 2 COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO ) 8 VS. ) Hearing Time: 9:00 AM 9 XUE YING YANG, ) Department: 403 ) 11 ) The Application. Plaintiff shall submit a written order to the court consistent with this tentative ruling and in compliance with Rule of Court 3.1312(a) and (b). ) 7 WILLIAM D ROSS, ) Case Number: FDI-20-794096 Superior Court of California San Francisco Timing 10 Days After Service of Notice > > Read More.. Cut-Off Date. ) Defendants counsel shall submit a written order to the court consistent with this ruling and in compliance with California Rules of Court, Rule 3.1312. Civic Center Courthouse . 9 JASA BLACKWELL et al, ) Department: 404 12 OTHER REVIEW HEARING You are using an outdated browser. List of San Mateo Superior Court Civil Judges and information on Civil Direct Calendars Print 7 Petitioner ) Hearing Date: December 29, 2022 8 VS. ) Hearing Time: 9:00 AM 9 NICA DAWN DESTEFANO, ) Department: 404 Further these actions are already pled in the prayer for relief. (MP&A p. 5 ) ) 10 Respondent ) Presiding: MARJORIE SLABACH 10 Respondent ) Presiding: MARIA EVANGELISTA ) 8 VS. ) Hearing Time: 9:00 AM If the responding party does not have personal knowledge sufficient to respond fully to an interrogatory, that party shall so state, but shall make a reasonable and good faith effort to obtain the information by inquiry to other natural persons or organizations, except where the information is equally available to the propounding party. CCP 2030.220(c). Kwan Software Engineering, Inc. v. Hennings(2020) 58 Cal.App.5th 57, 81. 7 Petitioner ) Hearing Date: December 27, 2022 11 Respondent ) Presiding: MARJORIE SLABACH There is no requirement that the failure to comply with discovery be willful for the court to impose monetary sanctions. Rule of Court, Rule 8.54 is inapplicable, as it is a rule applying to appellate matters. ) 6 JENNISIS MARIE LASTRE, ) Case Number: FDV-17-813112 ) ) ) 6 RADHEY SHYAM, ) Case Number: FDI-19-792403 6 DOUGLAS ELVIRA-CHILIN, ) Case Number: FDI-22-796115 ) Law and motion and ex parte applications in all other cases, including unlawful detainers, are heard in Department 511. 3 UNIFIED FAMILY COURT Lebowitz Dec. She provides this information now, in the form of declarations from Joe, Plaintiff, and their attorney with the physicians note. ) ) 9 CYNTHIA CHERIN, ) Department: 403 6 JASON A YURASEK, ) Case Number: FDI-12-778342 Medical information regarding Joes condition and Plaintiffs need for accommodation to account for it is clearly relevant, even directly relevant, to this litigation. ) 12 REQUEST FOR ORDER OF CHILD CUSTODY, 2 COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO ) Oppression means despicable conduct that subjects a person to cruel and unjust hardship in conscious disregard of that person's rights. A memorandum that exceeds 15 pages must also include an opening summary of argument. 7 Petitioner ) Hearing Date: December 27, 2022 CCP 395.5. 5 Find electronic and print forms for court and sample legal agreements at the San Francisco Law Library. 9 HANNAH YUIN YEE LEONG, ) Department: 404 10 Respondent ) Presiding: MARIA EVANGELISTA Please see Google Maps for a map and directions to the immigration court. 3 UNIFIED FAMILY COURT Sacramento County Superior Court has four courtrooms that handle petitions for writ of administrative mandamus, Department 24, Department 29, Department 31 and Department 42. ) ) 10 Respondent ) Presiding: MARIA EVANGELISTA Local Rules of Court Effective January 1, 2023, 2023 Superior Court of California - County of San Francisco, Caf at Civic Center Courthouse - Starchef, Information Regarding Coronavirus and Court Operations, Local Rules of Court Effective July 1, 2022, Local Rules of Court Effective May 10, 2022, Local Rules of Court Effective April 1, 2022, Local Rules of Court Effective January 1, 2022, Local Rules of CourtEffective July1, 2021, Local Rules of CourtEffective January 1, 2021, Local Rules of Court Effective July 1, 2020, Local Rules of Court Effective January 1, 2020. ) 6 JENNIFER PUENTE, ) Case Number: FDI-19-792728 As addressed above, the demurrer is SUSTAINED, in part, and OVERRULED, in part, and the motion to strike is DENIED. 5 8 VS. ) Hearing Time: 9:00 AM If a license revocation is going to take effect, the legal process to ask a Superior Court judge to issue a stay order using an ex parte application for stay. 9 JOCHEN PHILLIP BACKS, ) Department: 403 3 UNIFIED FAMILY COURT 9 JUAN J CRUZ, ) Department: 403 ) Hearings on motions scheduled in Dept. Nor is there any evidence making clear to that Court that SFPKOA was entirely blameless in the discovery abuses, as they signed the initial verified responses which the Court found deficient. 8 VS. ) Hearing Time: 9:00 AM 7 Petitioner ) Hearing Date: December 27, 2022 6 DIANA AI HUANG, ) Case Number: FDI-22-796207 7 Petitioner ) Hearing Date: January 12, 2023 46 reviews of San Francisco Superior Court "This is one of the nicest courthouses I've been in. The information on this website is for general information purposes only. Superior Court of California San Francisco Timing Sixty (60) Days After Commencement of the Action > > Read More.. > > Read More.. Scheduling Summary Judgment Motion > > Read More.. Scheduling the Hearing. ) Generally, supplemental demands to interrogatories may be served twice prior to trial setting, and once after the initial setting of a trial date, requesting that the prior answers to interrogatories be updated and affirmed. 6 JENNIFER SANDELIN, ) Case Number: FDV-15-811822 The records and information sought are directly relevant to that determination. 6 TINA MARIE BATARA SEVERSON, ) Case Number: FDI-14-781472 9 EVGENY FOUKSMAN, ) Department: 403 7 Petitioner ) Hearing Date: January 3, 2023 7 Petitioner ) Hearing Date: December 22, 2022 SKPKOAs counsel Summer Smith appeared at the hearing and argued against the motion. 13 TENTATIVE RULING 14 Ap 2 COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO ) 8 VS. ) Hearing Time: 9:00 AM The County's Probation Department handles Juvenile Traffic cases NOT the Superior . ) 8 VS. ) Hearing Time: 9:00 AM 10 Respondent ) Presiding: DANIEL FLORES 5 Curated guides to resources from librarians at the San Francisco Law . ) ) TO JOIN ZOOM ONLINE: 11 ) A motion to strike lies where a pleading contains irrelevant, false, or improper matter[s] or is not drawn or filed in conformity with the laws of this state, a court rule, or an order of the court. CCP 436(b). 12). 8 VS. ) Hearing Time: 9:00 AM As the default is void for lack of jurisdiction over the Defendant in his individual capacity, the default does bear correcting and Defendant is entitled to his relief to that limited degree. Code 3294. ) However, Defendant has provided no authority or showing that the default is void in total. 3 UNIFIED FAMILY COURT This is wholly insufficient to inform the court or Plaintiff of exactly which allegations are at issue. ) 9 TIMON KARLEUNG SOOHOO JR, ) Department: 404 Plaintiff is evidently not claiming any further conditions and the information provided is sufficient on its face to provide Defendant with enough information regarding it. 11 ) Legal advertisement. (Subd (a) amended effective January 1, 2007; previously amended effective January 1, 2004.). 11 ) ) The advantage of filing a case in Sacramento County Superior Court is that the court is very familiar with license defense issues. ) 9 SEAN CHARLSON, ) Department: 403 8 VS. ) Hearing Time: 9:00 AM There is no requirement to meet and confer prior to filing a motion to compel where there has been no response to discovery requests. ) ) ) 7 Petitioner ) Hearing Date: December 27, 2022 This information is not intended to create, and receipt or viewing does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship. ) 6 COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO, ) Case Number: FCS-11-347246 (See CCP 430.10(e).) ) 6 COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO, ) Case Number: FCS-18-353262 The Writs and Receivers Departments of Los Angeles County Superior Court are the second largest department for these cases in the state. 10 Respondent ) Presiding: DANIEL FLORES 7 Petitioner ) Hearing Date: January 10, 2023 5 Plaintiff alleges that Defendants should have been aware of their substantial risk of harm from driving under the influence of alcohol just based upon his driving experience. ) See Rodriguez v. Brill(2015) 234 Cal.App.4th 715, 729. ) Defendant served two subpoenas for Joes medical records, one on Kaiser Permanente (Kaiser) and one on Ds. 7 Petitioner ) Hearing Date: January 10, 2023 6 WYNTER HICKS, ) Case Number: FDV-22-816138 ) Court Clerk SFPKOA filed the instant motion on November 4, 2022. Code 452(d).) CCP 2031.300(c) & 2033.280(c). 11 ) Also, Sacramento County Superior Court judges are routinely asked to enter judgments challenging actions by the State of California and its agencies. Plaintiff seeks $1,500 for two motions, representing expended attorney time and fees. 8 VS. ) Hearing Time: 9:00 AM San Francisco Superior Court: Michael P. Candela Butte County Superior Court: Corie J. Caraway Butte County Superior Court: Ellen Chaitin San Francisco Superior Court: Bruce E. Chan San Francisco Superior Court: Roger C. Chan San Francisco Superior Court: Andrew Y.S. 3 UNIFIED FAMILY COURT CCP 396b(a), 397(a). Appleton v. Superior Court(1988) 206 Cal.App.3d 632, 636; Allen-Pacific, Ltd. v. Sup.Ct. 7 Petitioner ) Hearing Date: January 17, 2023 Court Clerk 10 Respondent ) Presiding: MARIA EVANGELISTA 10 Respondent ) Presiding: MARJORIE SLABACH ) 3 UNIFIED FAMILY COURT ) 5 9 MICHELLE MALCOLMSON, ) Department: 403 ) ) ) 8 VS. ) Hearing Time: 9:00 AM Valley Bank of Nevada, supra, 15 Cal.3d 658. 7:4-5; 6:7-9). Reputation. ) ) 3 UNIFIED FAMILY COURT 11 ) 11 ) ) On this page, you will find every civil tentative ruling from San Francisco County Superior. ) A motion to strike is also properly directed to unauthorized claims for damages, meaning damages which are not allowable as a matter of law. ) Law and Motion (559) 457 . 2 COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO Paralegal Manual, San Francisco Probate Court, Self-Represented Guardianship Program (Prepared by the Superior Court of California, County . 11 ) ) ) 12 OTHER REVIEW HEARING Accordingly, the court DENIES the motion on this basis as to the request to strike irrelevant references to careless, reckless, wanton, unlawful, offensive, and grossly negligent conduct, or, indeed, anything other than the request for attorneys fees and costs. ) ) ) 7:9-10.). 10 Respondent ) Presiding: MARIA EVANGELISTA (Ibid.). ) 3 UNIFIED FAMILY COURT Plaintiffs shall submit a written order to the Court consistent with this tentative ruling and in compliance with Rule of Court 3.1312(a) and (b). Demurrer is sustained, in part, and overruled, in part. 6 NATALIA V KORITSKAYA, ) Case Number: FDI-15-783392 8 VS. ) Hearing Time: 9:00 AM The Court held that the Plaintiffs had failed "to show a likelihood of prevailing on their claims." The largest division in the San Francisco Superior Court, the Civil Division conducts civil trials and manages civil filings, records, small claims cases, appeals, probate matters, unlawful detainers, defaults, case management, dispute resolution, name changes, and civil restraining orders to prevent harassment and elder abuse. ) Family Law handles domestic relations cases including dissolutions, separations, nullity, domestic violence prevention, paternity actions, child custody, child support, visitation arrangements, spousal support, family support and adoptions. 6 TESSA LUU, ) Case Number: FDI-17-787511 Attn: Appellate Court Services. ) 9 JORGE ESPINAL-NUNEZ, ) Department: 403 8 VS. ) Hearing Time: 9:00 AM Leach v. Superior Court(1980) 111 Cal.App.3d 902, 906; Sinaiko Healthcare Consulting, Inc. v. Pacific Healthcare Consultants(2007) 148 Cal.App.4th 390, 405. This is without prejudice to Defendant seeking some additional medical information should it demonstrate a specific, particularized need in light of the information which Plaintiff and Joe have provided. San Francisco County Superior Court Law and Motion Department Department 302 of the San Francisco County Superior Court hears law and motion matters, including all writs and receivers cases. ) Despite further warning signs and the fact that he needed assistance to leave SRMH, Defendants continued to discharge him without doing more. 11 ) 5 He claims that Defendants negligently or intentionally disregarded signs of a stroke or other serious problem, either due to negligence or intentionally in order to avoid further treating Plaintiff because he was a recipient of Medi-Cal. The motion to compel medical records pursuant to subpoena is DENIED without prejudice to Defendant seeking some additional medical information should it demonstrate a specific, particularized need in light of the information which Plaintiff and Joe have provided. 11 ) CCP 2031.210(a). 12 RECEIPT OF TIER II REPORT, SUMMER/HOLIDAY 2 COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO Read Calendar User Agreement and select "I Agree", Enter your Case Number and select "Submit". B. Code of Civil Procedure (CCP) sections 1985.3(g), 1985.6(f), 1987.1; see also Monarch Healthcare v. Sup.Ct. Moreover, both Plaintiff and Joe describe the conditions, a combination of age, pre-diabetes, and high blood pressure. 6 ELENA SANTIAGO, ) Case Number: FDI-13-779507 7 Petitioner ) Hearing Date: January 17, 2023 ) Notice will be provided to the parties by the Court upon reassignment with the new hearing dates. ) 9 JIAYING HE, ) Department: 403 ) Untimely responses to discovery requests waive all objections. ) ) 9 PETER AVRITCH, ) Department: 404 ) ) 11 ) 6 ANTHONY SHUMSKAS, ) Case Number: FDI-20-793239 ) The only discovery responses which SFPKOA alleges to have served on August 23, 2021 still have no verifications attached or submitted to the court. Please note that law and motion matters are heard by appointment ONLY in all civil IC departments as per Local Rule 2.1.19. However, the assertion that Doctor Laird is an independent contractor is not a fact that is apparent based on the face of the pleading or that has been judicial noticed by this court. 10 Respondent ) Presiding: DANIEL FLORES 3 UNIFIED FAMILY COURT 12 OTHER REVIEW HEARING ) (Ferraro v. Camarlinghi (2008) 161 Cal.App.4th 509, 528. 9 JOSE LUIS MARTINEZ, ) Department: 404 (650) 261-5122. However, per CCP 1005, Plaintiffs opposition was due nine court days prior to hearing, and Plaintiff filed his opposition only seven days prior. 6 JUSTIN GUERRERO-HOBBS, ) Case Number: FMS-17-386976 6 SEEMA HAJI, ) Case Number: FDI-16-785594 Quality Assurance v. Gherardini (1979) 93 Cal.App.3d 669, 679. 8 VS. ) Hearing Time: 9:00 AM Civic Center Courthouse 9 DONTAE HILL SR., ) Department: 403 ) Zamora v. Clayborn Contracting Group, Inc.(2002) 28 Cal.4th 249, 258. ) 3 UNIFIED FAMILY COURT (1987) 194 Cal..App.3d 1023, 1027 (judgment amended to add defendant corporations alter ego, in control of the litigation, as additional judgment debtor on ground that omission was misnomer). ) The tentative rulings will become the ruling of the Court unless a party desires to be heard. ), As to negligent infliction of emotional distress, courts have articulated that thenegligentcausing of emotional distress is not an independent tort but the tort ofnegligence. (Marlene F. v. Affiliated Psychiatric Medical Clinic, Inc.(1989) 48 Cal.3d 583, 588 citing 6 Witkin, Summary of Cal. 9 ZHEFEI HERBIE FU, ) Department: 403 Mandatory relief is only appropriate in matters of default or dismissal and does not provide relief from orders or other proceedings taken against a party or counsel. Leader v. Health Industries of America, Inc.(2001) 89 Cal.App.4th 603, 616, quoting CCP 473(b). 7 Petitioner ) Hearing Date: January 12, 2023 ) 9 LATOJONE JONES, ) Department: 403 ) When I go to file stuff in the clerk's office it's great to see all the grungy bike messengers mixed up with the attorneys, and the clerk windows have a really sexy art deco font painted everywhere. 9 LAWRENCE F. DE MARCO, ) Department: 403 13 REQUEST FOR ORDER FOR CHANGE OF CHAN 2 COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO 8:8-9. Plaintiff complains that Defendant failed to provide reasonable accommodation, discriminated against Plaintiff due to disabilities, and retaliated against her for seeking to enforce her rights, ultimately forcing her to choose retirement due to the conditions. Plaintiff filed a motion for OSC re Contempt and Sanctions on January 14, 2022, alleging in part that no supplemental responses had been served in violation of the Courts September 3, 2021 order. ) If in electronic form, the copy must be electronically bookmarked as required by rule 3.1110(f)(4). Click here to see information about how the transition will happen in each case type. Based on the foregoing, Plaintiffs motion is MOOT. Failure to verify responses is equivalent to serving no responses at all. (Subd (j) relettered effective January 1, 2008; adopted as subd (f) effective July 1, 1997; previously relettered as subd (g) effective July 1, 2000; previously amended and relettered as subd (i) effective January 1, 2004, and as subd (k) effective January 1, 2007.). A conscious disregard for the safety of others may constitute malice. If a party timely brings such a motion, the court must transfer the action if it finds that the court is not a proper court. 9 LORENA HERNANDEZ, ) Department: 403 However, this tentative ruling information is usually taken down from the court's website after several days or weeks. A complaint is sufficient as long as the pleaded facts state a cause of action on any available legal theory, despite the label for a cause of action in the complaint. 5 12 REQUEST FOR ORDER RE: CHANGE OF SPOUSAL OR PARTNER 3 COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO 3 UNIFIED FAMILY COURT The California Rules of Court state how to prepare and when to file documents. Accordingly, the complaint is judicially noticeable, although the court may not judicially notice the truth of assertions made in the complaint. ) 8 VS. ) Hearing Time: 9:00 AM 8 VS. ) Hearing Time: 9:00 AM Food 4 Less Supermarkets, Inc. v. Superior Court(1995) 40 Cal.App.4th 651, 657. ) Please visit the Court Technology for the software requirements needed to access online services. On January 6, 2023, Plaintiff filed an opposition. ) The Superior Court of California, County of Fresno is currently seeking applications from individuals interested in accepting appointments to represent parties pro bono in their civil proceedings. Motion to Strike is denied. The protection is not absolute, however, and the information is discoverable where the need for discovery outweighs the privacy concerns. by clicking the Inbox on the top right hand corner. 6 CASIERRA MICHAUX, ) Case Number: FDI-21-794605 ) ) (CCP 430.10(e); Fox v. JAMDAT Mobile, Inc. (2010) 185 Cal.App.4th 1068, 1078 as long as a complaint consisting of a single cause of action contains any well-pleaded cause of action, a demurrer must be overruled even if a deficiently pleaded claim is lurking in that cause of action as well.) In pleading, the actual content of the allegations is more important than the express title or identification of causes of action. As with demurrers, the defect must appear on the face of the complaint or in matters judicially noticeable. 5 ) An ex parte application for an order must be accompanied by an affidavit or a declaration showing: (1) that the applicant informed the opposing party when and where the application would be made no later than 10:00 a.m. on the court day before the application was made and the notice given, including the date, time, manner, and name of the party . You will lose the information in your envelope. In state-court civil litigation cases filed in San Francisco County Superior of California, courts may issue tentative rulings prior to motion hearings. 5 reserve a hearing date with the applicable department. 11 ) The Court will be transitioning to Zoom for all remote appearances. ) 11 ) 12 MOTION TO CHANGE SUPPORT ORDER RE: CHILD SUPPO 2 COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO ) 9 KEVIN OMAR LASTRE, ) Department: 403 7 Petitioner ) Hearing Date: December 22, 2022 10 Respondent ) Presiding: JUDITH HARDING Unscheduled motions will not be heard. ) ) Before Trial Ch. ) 5 11 ) ) ) If you are unable to find your San Francisco Family Law dissolution case online, please contact Client Support at 888-529-7587. ) 3 UNIFIED FAMILY COURT Cheng San Francisco Superior Court: Alfred G. Chiantelli San Francisco . ) ) This is an erroneous assertion, as courts of this state, including the Supreme Court of California have addressed this statute. 8 VS. ) Hearing Time: 9:00 AM ) 6 MAURA HUERTA, ) Case Number: FDV-16-812742 ) Third, any relief here, either discretionary or mandatory, would only be proper if SFPKOA had provided the complaint discovery responses the court ordered. Effective December 4, 2020, reservations for most Civil Independent Calendar Department motions may be made using the Courts Reserve a Motion Date application which can be accessed by clicking here or the link on the Courts homepage under Online Services.To schedule a hearing, call the numbers listed below. ) 9 GLORIA KATIA FLORES ALCA, ) Department: 404 apply to most motions. San Francisco, CA 94102 These facts do not rise to the previously upheld bases for punitive damages in cases of intoxicated driving. ) ) ) ) ) ) give notice of the hearing date as required by law. ) 7 Petitioner ) Hearing Date: December 29, 2022 ) 11 ) ) This matter is on calendar for SFPKOA motion for leave to set aside the issue sanctions entered by the Court on May 4, 2022, pursuant to California Code of Civil Procedure (CCP) 473(b) on the basis of neglect of counsel. See Camilleri Declaration(s), 10. ) 12 REQUEST FOR ORDER RE: DEFAULT PROVE UP HEARING RE R 2 COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO 6 HILL M PASHALIDES, ) Case Number: FDI-20-793829 8 VS. ) Hearing Time: 9:00 AM 6 DAIANA CHERHYNETS, ) Case Number: FDI-22-796786 5 ) 3 UNIFIED FAMILY COURT (Chan) (1997) 57 CA4th 1546, 1551, 67 CR2d 804, 807 (disapproved on other grounds by Wilcox v. Birtwhistle (1999) 21 Cal.4th 973, 982, fn. 11 ) Department 405 This matter is on calendar for the motion by Respondent to change venue to Fresno County pursuant to CCP 396b(a) and 1292.2. 10 Respondent ) Presiding: DANIEL FLORES ) 3 UNIFIED FAMILY COURT 5 ) Regarding the FIs, a party responding to an interrogatory must provide a response that is as complete and straightforward as the information reasonably available to the responding party permits and [i]f an interrogatory cannot be answered completely, it shall be answered to the extent possible. CCP 2030.220(a)-(b). Possibility it may lead to relevant information do more than show the possibility it may lead relevant... Cal Rule of Court, Rule 3.1300 ( d ). ). )... Amended effective January 1, 2004. ). ). ). )..... Show the possibility it may lead to relevant information 10. ) )! The copy must be electronically bookmarked as required by Rule 3.1110 ( f ) ( 4 ) )! 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